This was probably the hardest lab for me. I think I got so used to working with After Effects that it was challenging for me to do all of these frames manual. I think also staying more organized and grouping frames together would have made my layers not get so confusing. Overall, I do like how it turned out its silly and whimsical and fun and I am excited to send it to my friends. I feel pretty confident in the Gif I will make now that I learned all of these skills in the lab. I think towards the end it finally clicked on how to properly move the images into the frames. In my Gif, I am definitely going to use fewer characters- I think that was another aspect that was difficult- there were just so many layers. I definitely want to create more Gifs in the future and continue to make them more seamless and less chaotic.
I have never worked with photoshop animation so it was definitely really interesting to see this aspect of the platform. As I mentioned earlier, I definitely prefer after effects when it comes to animating, its more condensed and organized.
I am really excited to make my Gif for my game. I have a few ideas for my game, but I want to keep brainstorming to see if I can come up with a better one, as I often get really excited about an idea and just kind of go for it- but sometimes I am halfway through and I actually realize I don't love my idea.
