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Writer's pictureolco5431

Sound Bites Artist Statement

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Putting this final project together was really interesting to me, even though all of the sounds were completely different, it was cool to see the fluidity of all of them come together to make a new interpretive piece. I tried to create a type of story you could hear, for me it feels like the inside of my brain. I am constantly switching thoughts, switching ideas, having sounds playing in my head subconsciously. Sometimes I feel like my brain is just a bunch of different things and sounds randomly coming together, just like all these clips, which was the inspiration behind my piece. But at the end of the day, with all these distractions surrounding me, I somehow seem to keep it together. I tried to convey this in my final project, putting these sounds together to create something you never even thought could compliment one another. I almost feel that my sounds started to write their own story, from the guitar relaxing to the typing. The more sounds I added, the more fluid and together it felt.

Adding different effects to each sound bite really made the final sound piece more elevated. I really liked adding echoes and using the razor tool to split clips to manipulate them. I included a visual image of crispy wontons because out of all the sounds- I do not know why- I loved the crunch of the wonton. The crunch was so clear it was satisfying to the ear. I also manipulated the wonton clip to have an echo, which made for a strange, cool sound. I tried to make clean cut fades whenever adding tracks, to make the beginning and end more fluid. I have never worked with audition, but the lab and this project really helped me develop skills and make me more comfortable with the using the platform. Listening to the sounds with a good pair of headphones was definitely beneficial because I could hear them more clearly, which made it easier for me to clip certain sounds together that I thought would compliment one another.

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